
Creative Marketing and Branding Strategy

With an open view to change and the courage to think across borders, their mission is to help brands move forward and conquer the world.

The world around us is changing constantly and ‘the new’ has an impact on the way you do things, certainly if you want to stay ahead of the game. Fourteen is inspired by trends and new developments. It is in their DNA. They embrace it and always ask how they can take advantage of it in their own lives, but first and foremost in the marketing of the brands they work for.

Not afraid to cross borders and gladly stepping out of comfort zones, always striving to formulate the best solutions for the challenges that are given. Ultimately leading to more -of the right- customers and profit.


Visual Strategy.



Creating the right strategy is a creative process. To put more emphasis on the core of the strategy and the feeling involved we created a re-usable format to present strategy plans. The result is a more visual format and a highly customizable presentation format for different projects in ‘XIIII’ identity.

Images taken from Google – and used for inspirational purposes.
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