We’ve translated the fundamentals of the 10DAYS BestBasics Collection into a strong communications concept. Positioning 10DAYS as the authority comfort brand.






Concept: You have the freedom to be. Your sexuality. Your gender. Your direction. You are not defined by social media standards. You are not defined by others. You define yourself. You have the freedom to be you regardless of skin color, religion or preference.

10 Days’ biggest value is freedom. Freedom of fashion reflects freedom of mind. The 10Days Best Basic collection empowers anyone to dress & express how they feel. Always.  We embrace all, but more so celebrate all. 

We celebrate your definition of you.
We celebrate your freedom.




Capture people and their love for each other or themselves. Couples and Singles. Diverse in age and background. Bold. Authentic & cool. Real people. Real love. Rejecting etiquette rules. Celebrating love for each other and themselves.





Scrollable Mag.








Project initiated and realised with FFONO
Follow Ig .Li .

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